.NET 7 MemoryCache Statistics 4

After we have finished displaying memorycache entries, we can also track it’s statistics by using MemoryCacheStatistics which is included in .NET 7. We will modify...

.NET MAUI Login screen development

MAUI is a cross platform framework that we can develop mobile and desktop apps with a single code base. (We must have Visual Studio 2022)...

.NET 6 Display MemoryCache values – 3

Previosly we have mentioned about MemoryCache basics, after that we have implemented MemoryCahe by including some business scenarios. This time let’s create a controller and...

C# Enumerator

What is Enumerator? Enumerator provides itteration over a list. Let’s see in a example; It will itterate until MoveNext() method will return false And the...

.NET 6 Implementing MemoryCache – 2

Previously on MemoryCache. Let’s this time generate a base class and extend them as business objects! Our application needs to get some Configurations from a...

C# Skip vs SkipWhile

When the need is to skip N count of items in a list we can rely on LINQ extension Skip(int count) BasicallySkip extension performs a...

C# Select vs SelectMany

As the Verb describes that this method is selecting values from some source. While Select genereates value per source object, SelectMany generates combined value per...

C# Foreach vs Parallel Foreach

When the need is consuming list of N items. Loops are inevitable. Let’s say we have list of string contained with names. The main goal...

FFMPEG – Generate video from images

1- First, we need to download FFMPEG executables, (I have downloaded for Windows) 2- After download, extract zip to a folder; (I have extracted under...