.NET MAUI Login screen development
MAUI is a cross platform framework that we can develop mobile and desktop apps with a single code base. (We must have Visual Studio 2022)...
.NET 6 Display MemoryCache values – 3
Previosly we have mentioned about MemoryCache basics, after that we have implemented MemoryCahe by including some business scenarios. This time let’s create a controller and...
C# Enumerator
What is Enumerator? Enumerator provides itteration over a list. Let’s see in a example; It will itterate until MoveNext() method will return false And the...
Microsoft Azure – Creating SQL from scratch
It is my first impression with Azure and I must say that everything looks cool and easy. I have just created my test database in...
.NET 6 Implementing MemoryCache – 2
Previously on MemoryCache. Let’s this time generate a base class and extend them as business objects! Our application needs to get some Configurations from a...
C# Skip vs SkipWhile
When the need is to skip N count of items in a list we can rely on LINQ extension Skip(int count) BasicallySkip extension performs a...
C# Select vs SelectMany
As the Verb describes that this method is selecting values from some source. While Select genereates value per source object, SelectMany generates combined value per...
C# Foreach vs Parallel Foreach
When the need is consuming list of N items. Loops are inevitable. Let’s say we have list of string contained with names. The main goal...