C# 7.3 Relational Pattern to check nullable type

Let’s look at traditional way first, lets say we have a nullable integer and we need to write something on Console If it’s value greater then zero.

static void Main(string[] args)
     while (true)
         Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number > 0!");
         string inputLine = Console.ReadLine();
         int? myInput = null;
         if (!int.TryParse(inputLine, out int parsedInput))
             Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number!");

         myInput = parsedInput;

         if (!IsValidNumber(myInput))
            Console.WriteLine("Nope not a valid number!");



First we asked user to enter a number, then we tried to parse the string input line to integer. Now lets define a method that checks the integer number!

static bool IsValidNumber(int? input)
    return input.HasValue && input.Value > 0;

It looks fine. But with C# 7.3 we can use relational pattern and we can avoid using HasValue and Value together on our conditions anymore. Let’s change it with relational pattern!

static bool IsValidNumber(int? input)
     return input is > 0;

Looks pretty and clean 🙂